Thursday, January 10, 2013


CorelDraw 12 are a very famous design software. Various facilities are available here to making  design be easier to use for users. CorelDraw 12 can be used for various purposes, ranging from creating flyers, making pamphlets, invitation letters, magazines, brochures and cover to interesting book.

In order to produce interesting results, required exercises. As practice material, I will describe tips & tricks using CorelDraw12. I’m Hopefully this tutorial will useful for all of us ...

##Opening Corel Draw##

Click Start All Programs> choose CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12> Click CorelDraw 12.
Another way: Click the shortcut on the desktop that says CorelDraw 12.

## Display Corel Draw##

o Main menu: composed of the menus to operate CorelDraw 12.
o Standard: commands in the main menu
o Property bar: contains additional command buttons.
o Tool box: contains tools for designing image.
o Ruler: a line object measurement
o Color Pallete: contains commands to select the color of the object.
o Pages: as evidence of the current page.
o Worksheet: page views for a design object.

## Saving Design Files ##

Click the File menu> Save> wrote in filename filename> press Save.

## Closing Files ##

Click the File menu> click Close.

## Closing Program CorelDraw 12 ##

Click the File menu> click Exit.

## Set the Paper Size / Type ##

Click the File menu> New> click the Paper Type / Size on the property bar select the type of paper you want. Suppose letter, legal, tabloid, etc..

## Set the unit ##

Click on Drawing unit on the property bar to select a unit unit you want. For example: inches, millimeters, etc..

## View and manage Grid ##

Click to View> Grid> grid lines will be displayed.
If you want to change the grid lines into points, click the View> Grid and Ruler Setup> dialog box appears, select Show grid as dots to turn the line into points.

## Adding pages in a single file ##

Click Pages (current page) eg Page 1> Right click, select Insert Page After.

## Deleting pages in a single file ##

Click Pages (current page) let Page 2> Right click, select Delete Page Before.

##  Change the name of the page in a single file ##

Click Pages (current page) eg Page 1> Right click, select Rename.

##  Make rectangular objects ##

Click the Rectangle Tool in the Tool Box or press F6> pointer will turn into a sign (+)> drag and drop mouse on the worksheet> to form a rectangle.
If you want to create a square / rectangle, the same steps as making a rectangle. Only when drag the left mouse button while press Ctrl on the keyboard.
If you want a corner of the rectangle above the curved shape (no elbows) then the way is: press the Pick Tool in the Tool Box> select rectangular objects are> Click the Shape Tool (or press F10)> Move the pointer on the corner of the rectangle and drag (drag bit) by pressing the left mouse button.

## Creating a circle object ##

Click the Ellipse Tool in the Tool Box or press F7> pointer will turn into a sign (+)> drag and drop mouse on the worksheet> will form a circle.
If you want to change the circle into different variations, pace drag the circle> click Shape Tools on the Tool Box. If you want pie shape, drag the one from the circle. If you want to form arc, drag the one ring from the outside.

## Creating polygon objects ##

Click the Polygon Tool or press Y> navigate shaped pointer (+) into the worksheet> press the left mouse button while sliding diagonally press the Ctrl key on the keyboard> pentagon polygon formed.
To add or subtract terms, use the facilities Number of Point on Polygon> click on the desired terms (eg 3)> will form a triangle.
To change the polygon into star shapes, perform the following steps. Drag pentagon> press shape Tool> pointer to the object point between the two sides which intersect> pull into the> pentagon formed into stars.

## Create object spiral ##

Click to Polygon Tool> select the Spiral Tool or press A> on the worksheet click and drag the left mouse button while press the Ctrl key on the keyboard> formed spiral.

## Create object table ##

Click the polygon tool> click Grap Paper Tool or press D> press and drag the left mouse button on the canvas> forming table

## Using the Freehand Tool ##

Click the Freehand Tool in the Toolbox> on canvas click the left mouse button> drag towards the desired> if it is satisfactory, press the Esc key on the keyboard to end.
If you want to bend the line, click the Shape Tool> place the pointer on the line to curved> right click> click option To Curve.

## Using the Bezier Tool ##

Click Bazier Tool in the Toolbox> click once on the canvas pointer marked (+)> move to another position> click again in that position> continue to correspond to the desired object.
If you want to bend over a line from the object, click the Shape Tool> place the pointer on the line to curved> right click> click option To Curve

## Using the Dimension Tool ##

Make an object, for example a rectangle measuring 8 × 8.5 cm> therein make lingkarang diameter 8.5 cm> Toolbox, click the Dimension tool> on the Property Bar select Horizontal Tool (to explain the horizontal line) and select Vertical Tool (to explain vertical line)> at Dimension Style select decimal with units 0 on Dimension Precission> select the Dimension Units cm> enable Show units for Dimension> click the Text Position Drop Down> click options, dimension text in the middle of the line> Position the pointer on the line will be dimensions / description.

## Using 3 Point Curve Tool ##

Click 3 Point Curve Tool in the Toolbox> on the canvas, click on point 1> drag and drop in point 2> click on point 3> last united point 2 to point 1 with the pointer.

## Using the Smart Drawing Tool ##

Click the Smart Drawing Tool in the Toolbox> on the Property Bar on Shape Recognition Level, select Medium and Smart Smooting Level, select Highest. > On the canvas, click on point 1, point 2, and point point3 4> It will automatically form a symmetrical object.

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